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Dojos are locations of training and empowerment where your Chainmons can be sent to in order to passively gain experience and targeted improvement of Training Values. Sometimes they learn entirely new abilities in that process!
Spread across the world, these Dojos can be found in most major cities. Depending on your progression in the story, you may not have access to all of them right from the start.
Dojos can also be built on your Land, providing additional opportunities to train more Chainmons at the same time.
Sending off your Chainmons for training keeps them busy for a a various time period in which they can not participate in other activities. In return, they passively gain experience and increase their strength over time.
Use them as a convenient time saver when actively working on other Chainmons.
Players who own a Dojo are able to create custom playgrounds, challenges and experiences through an easy to use in-game level editor. Other players are limited by the free Dojos spread across the game world but they can rent out a custom Dojo from an owner to also utilize their custom opportunities.
A Dojo starts out with a single slot where a single Chainmon can be assigned to. These slots as well as further more specialized training capabilities can be enhanced through upgrades over time, enabling additional Chainmons to be trained simultaenously.
Players can build customized Dojos on their own Land and rent them out to other players in exchange for $Monster. Specific Dojos offer specialized and improved training capabilities so adjusting your personal Dojos based on your own and other player's unique needs is essential to maximize training and yield.