Game Mechanics
Dive into the core gameplay elements that the world of Chainmonsters has to offer. Obtain a clear understanding of how to capture Chainmons, obtain resources & materials, assemble and train your squad, challenge arenas, craft and farm on your Land, and mint your Chainmons into NFTs.
Adventure: learn about the world, quests, and exciting elements!
Chainmons: can be caught, trained, and utilized for battling and farming!
Catching: teaches you all about the dynamics when trying to capture Chainmons!
Squads: are your bread and butter for creating exhilarating battle strategies!
Battles: this is where you learn strategies and concepts to get the upper hand!
Training: Improve your team and gain experience!
Housing: incorporates everything from farming to crafting to customizing your own Land!
Interoperability: learn how you can import your existing and Third-Party NFTs into the game!
Progression-based learning with game mechanics unlocking over time is a key design element in Chainmonsters.
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