AI and Machine-Learning

Chainmonsters is using groundbreaking new opportunities presented by AI technology to enhance both the content production as well as the underlying gameplay mechanics.

While many traditional games are slowly adapting to the power of AI, we are integrating it deeply into almost all aspects of the game.

Examples of how AI is utilized:

Custom AI model

Spielworks is building a custom AI model that is trained solely on our own art and designs which enables us to speed up internal development processes aligned with the overall vision and complexity of the Chainmonsters game world.

Dynamic Game World with Web3

The true power and potential of AI enhanced games should offer a unique and tailored experience for each individual player. In Chainmonsters, AI is deeply integrated into the storytelling and game world, enabling us to craft a unique experience. Player's choices and actions right from the creation of their unique avatar to NPCs and Quests they encounter, are all tailored to their playstyle, encounters and other players interactions.

  • Quests and NPCs

    Each player progresses through the same overall storyline but no playthrough is the same! NPCs offer dynamic choices and reactions depending on factors like time of day, weather conditions, world events happening in their vicinity, and other players around them! This goes so much further than traditional games with pre-scripted conditions - in Chainmonsters, these decisions are dynamicly handled by our custom AI model, making every playthrough unique!

  • Unique and exclusive access By connecting e.g. NFTs and the player's wallets directly into this AI model, we are able to deliver further truly unique experiences. If you hold a special NFT you get access to specialized quests or locations that are otherwise locked and hidden, rewarding NFT holders with a range of exclusive rewards otherwise not obtainable.

  • Interoperability Aspects Since we are pushing the Interoperability features above and beyond, we introduce Third-Party NFTs into the mix. Since no game can manually support millions of other NFT collections, we utilize our custom model to categorize and then craft an AI-generated lore for each individual collection and NFT to fit inside the Chainmonsters game world.

Ever evolving creatures

Besides the advantages in internal content production, we want to make this technology available to players minting and discovering entirely new creatures, species and variations.

  • Discovery process through Minting When you capture a Chainmon in-game, you can turn it into an NFT to reveal their hidden stats and potential. However, enhanced by our custom AI model, we want to enable players to actively discover entirely new species and traits in this process. During Minting, you can meld three Chainmons together. If you are lucky and the right circumstances apply, you will be rewarded by a new unique creature with combined parts of the melded Chainmons. Thanks to our AI model, it fits perfectly into the existing handcrafted universe and provides true uniqueness compared to other species. This process can be repeated an infinite amount of time, further enhancing opportunities and potential the more players experiment with this system.

  • Core Discovery loop On its own, this feature is pretty unique but we are taking it to the next level. By continuously expanding the game's base-set of creatures, abilities and components, there will always be something new to discover and create.

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